Nanotechnology applied to improve quality of life.

The R&D area has specialists in chemistry and biotechnology and is directed by Engineer Gerardo Daniel López, founding partner of the company, to which he contributed the experience acquired in CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) and in international coordination. of projects within the framework of the Ibero-American CYTED Program (Science and Technology for Development).
His scientific-technological production includes the authorship of eight books (published in Argentina; Brazil; Spain; Germany), more than one hundred scientific and technical publications, more than ninety presentations at National and International Congresses and ownership of Argentine Patent No. 245,220. record No. 320,752. He has received the WIPO Award (World Intellectual Property Organization) in 2007, in addition to other distinctions, such as the First REPSOL-YPF Award (2000) for Technological Innovation, the Ingeniero Sábato Award for Technological Development (2009), awarded by the National Technological University, the “Santafesino Distinguished 2012” award, awarded by the newspaper El Litoral. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Nanotechnologies Committee, in the Normalization Directorate of the Energy and Environment Management of IRAM (Argentine Institute for Standardization and Certification).