Nanotechnology applied to improve quality of life.
Investigation and development
The R&D department of Nanotek SA is located at the Litoral Centro Technological Park (PTLC) in Santa Fe. Its mission is to develop products and processes with commercial viability. While mature products are being marketed, we are pursuing the production of new industrial-scale nanomaterials and the development of applications for them through strategic partnerships with companies in various industries.
The only way to achieve significant changes is by seeking new challenges and shaking up the status quo of the markets.
If you aim to revolutionize your market with an innovative product, we offer Research and Development (R&D) services to assist you.
Utilizing expansive thinking and innovation as our trademark, we engage in R&D projects, developing solutions with our extensive knowledge in nanotechnology.


The company’s strategy is based on three pillars: thinking differently, generating knowledge, and caring for the environment.
We think differently by looking at problems from outside the existing paradigm, which is the only way to do things differently to make them better. We generate knowledge synergistically through ongoing interaction between the company and scientific and technical organizations. We care for the environment by applying ecological principles to avoid the negative impacts of new materials on the environment.
Supported by this strategy, the core of our business is to use our expertise to design processes and products whose differentiation and added value are based on the application of cutting-edge knowledge in nanoscience. In other words, our product is innovation.
R&D structure
The R&D department is staffed with specialists in chemistry and biotechnology and is led by Engineer Gerardo Daniel López, a founding partner of the company, who contributed the experience gained from CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) and the international coordination of projects under the Ibero-American CYTED Program (Science and Technology for Development).

His scientific-technological production includes authorship of eight books (published in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Germany), over a hundred scientific and technical publications, more than ninety presentations at national and international conferences, and ownership of Argentine Patent No. 245,220, Act No. 320,752. He received the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Award in 2007, among other honors, such as the First REPSOL-YPF Award (2000) for Technological Innovation, the Engineer Sábato Award for Technological Development (2009), granted by the National Technological University, and the ” Distinguished Santafesino 2012″ award from the El Litoral newspaper. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Nanotechnologies Committee in the Normalization Directorate of the Energy and Environment Management of IRAM (Argentine Institute of Standardization and Certification).